class. This is the third item's accordion body. Nothing more exciting happening here in terms of content, but just filling up the space to make it look, at least at first glance, a bit more representative of how this would look in a real-world application.Accademia is a member of CIANS, an association created to facilitate collaboration between public and private entities.
CIANS was founded in 2017 by the leaders of some of the most prominent AFAM-accredited educational institutions. Structured as an apolitical and nonpartisan association, CIANS is nonprofit, carries out socially useful activities and participates in the development process of Italian society, contributing to the establishment of an innovative, internationalized, sustainable system of High Artistic, Musical and Coreutic Education capable of promoting the economic, social, civil and cultural growth of the country.
In implementing this mission, CIANS resorts to awareness-raising actions to make state bodies and the public aware of the operations of private educational institutions that are part of the Afam. Based on this scenario, the association's contact persons participate in working tables dedicated to the reforms and development of AFAM itself.
CIANS is also engaged in the study and drafting of legislative proposals and regulations aimed at improving the national regulatory apparatus, also planning activities of dialogue and confrontation with the various components of civil society, in full compliance with the law.